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The Cape Town Vintage Scene

Writer: AdminAdmin

Where to go and why you should be a part of it. | Jemma Richmond

Photo cred: Rifiloe Mokgele

Let me start by asking what is a thrift store? Well the general understanding is that it is a store that sells second hand items, usually associated with clothes. I am from Johannesburg and there the thrift stores tend to be similar to what is typically understood by this term in the United States. That is a charity store where people donate their old items of clothing which the shop can sell cheaply and all profits go to charity. They are supposed to help people who cannot afford to buy clothes new from commercial shops so they can go thrift through charity stores for cheap items. These shops are not dedicated to clothes as something fashionable but rather just functional and it can be difficult to find stylish or even unique clothing.

In Cape Town the thrift culture is completely different. Here there is a large culture of buying secondhand clothes to achieve a particular vintage aesthetic This has provided thrift stores with a new market and helped it become a part of the fashion industry.

Cape Town and the surrounding areas have plenty of vintage stores around and it is always exciting to happen on a new one as every store holds the opportunity of finding something unique. The two main areas where I go to shop for vintage clothing are Lower Main Road, Obs and Long Street, Town. I am sure any of you who are usuals to the vintage scene will know these places well but for those of you who are starting your thrift store journey these are a few easy to find places I’d recommend:

1.Nevernew/Voom Voom Vintage

Never new is a large vintage shop on lower main road just behind the MacDonald’s in Observatory. This is something more similar to a traditional charity thrift shop with less selective styled items. In part this is due to the size of the store which aside from being physically bigger than most other vintage shops in Cape Town it is fill to overflow with clothes. The shop feels as if it’s bursting at its seams. The negative side of this is that it can become quite laborious going through all the clothes and there is no certainty that you will find something good. I myself don’t end up buying stuff there often. However, their prices are probably the best on the street and because there is such a large variety you have the opportunity to find some really unique pieces. It’s particularly good for coats (although you have to like the oversized look…) it also caters a lot for men which tends to take a back seat in thrift stores just as it does in the fashion industry as a whole. To be honest, it is the type of place you could imagine Macklemore rapping about.

2. Intsangu:

Next door to Nevernew is a tiny vintage shop (which also offers tailoring and repairs, just FYI). It offers similar items to Nevernew but, I imagine because it is smaller, there is slightly more of a selective process in their items as their stuff tends to be nicer than next door. The best part of this store however is the DENIM. They always have a massive selection of vintage denim jackets that are literally from your dreams. I already own two denim from the shop and my sister (who does not even live in this city) has three items already. If you are looking for a good sturdy denim jacket I would definitely recommend you have a look there.

3. Grand Funk Retro Vintage

This is also on lower main road and only slightly further down the street than the others. This is more mainstream and fashion orientated than the other two and the atmosphere matches the quirky styled painting outside. The shop is broken up into two sections. Upstairs is a small floor with very select items. All the clothes here are distinctly similar styles with frills and lots of skirts and flowers and the definite theme of baby pink. If you like this style you are pretty much set here and it is even possible to find small sizes (one of the usual drawbacks of thrift). The only major flaw is that it is expensive for a second hand store with items usually sitting around R400. So you have to be prepared to spend. Downstairs is what I like to term the ‘Cotton-on’ of thrift store Obz. In part because I have found many an actual second hand Cotton-on item there but also because the clothes are far more mainstream than most of the other store with a surprisingly large amount of basics for a thrift store. It is a great place for a few simple additions but do not be deceived it also holds a few great pieces hidden just like in the other stores although generally the clothes don’t have that vintage aesthetic.

4.Vintage and the CIty

Long street vintage almost entirely loses the ‘grandmas-clothes’ effect that Obz supplies. Rather there are a few markets and boutique stores that really move to bring thrift stores up to the level of vintage chic. Vintage and the city is a tiny boutique store practically underneath the Waiting Room filled with clothes that have clearly been selected with the utmost care. The items are chosen with enough mainstream elements to somewhat fill the current trends but have that unique edge that we seek from vintage clothing. This selection is amazing because you really don’t have to search to find something nice however that wonderful inexpensive quality of thrift stores is kind of lost and sometimes this place just won’t work with that student bank balance.

5.First Thursdays (my absolute best)

Probably one of my favourite things to do in Cape Town is attend First Thursdays. It combines my love of art with my love of fashion in a social event. If you decide to join in you will find on the corner of Church Street and Long Street a pop up second hand market or you can head over to 107 Bree Street where the True Grit vintage market sets up. In both places, various vintage traders collect from vintage shops all over the city. They set up small stalls with a bit of their merchandise. This is great because you get a really wide selection to choose form. There is also a tradition for clothing shops (and stalls) to put up a bit of a sale for first Thursdays and so the already cheap vintage clothes become even cheaper. It’s pretty much heaven. The only possible negative side is that the changing room is a bit flimsy. Remember you almost always have to pay in cash as well.

This is just a selection but there are other vintage stores all over the city. You should check out Kalk bay and Simon’s town and there are even a few gems hidden around Claremont.

Before I finish I just want to go over a few reasons why you should thrift shop if you currently don't:

1. It’s good for the environment.

One of the things I love the most about thrift stores and a very random distinctly un-fashion related element, is that it is good for the environment. Why? Because it is a form a recycling. Clothes have an increasingly damaging effect on the environment as we saw when Fashsoc screened the documentary the True Cost and not only is the process of making and distributing of clothes damaging for the planet but their disposal too.

2. It is so much cheaper than what you would get elsewhere.

Because the items are second hand and will be a little worn, they are cheaper than they would have been first hand. You could buy a winter coat for R300 that would be over double that new. Obviously the cheap price means your clothes comes with a bit of built in wear and tear but isn’t that why we love vintage in the first place?

3.The quality.

Okay I know that sounds weird considering they are second hand but you have to understand that these clothes have stood the test of time. They have been washed at least once so you know they won’t shrink. They have that old-stuff-was-made-with-care thing so the older it is the longer it’ll last. Vintage clothes are hardy and so you could even consider purchasing them an investment,

4.Unique pieces just for you

I know this sounds a bit cliché but it is true. Vintage shopping remains to be the one and only way that I, as a student, have succeed in finding items that I alone have. It is definitely possible that there are others with the same elsewhere but most are long forgotten and the piece that you can end up choosing often has a wear to it which is unique to only it. I recently found a lemon yellow coat (of my dreams) that I am certain I will never see on everyone else.

There are many more reasons to go vintage shopping but you will find those out as you go along. Also did you even live in Cape Town if you haven’t bought at least one vintage item?


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